19 Oct Into the Neighborhood
When Pastor Andreas talked to me about expanding the Volunteer Park Newsletter, our plans did not include starting a blog too. But as we thought about the ways to share the news of our growing community and faith, over time a blog made sense.
This past Sabbath we heard Pastor Andreas talk about John 1:14: “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood” (The Message; emphasis mine). He set a challenge for our church to give the gospel hands and feet. He asked us to take on this vision, not only as a church in Capitol Hill, but individually, too. What happens when we invite God’s gospel into our own lives—into our own neighborhoods?
Within our VPC community, we already have countless stories—testimonies—of God working on our behalf, and I can’t help but get excited to hear them. Let’s share some of these stories here, and I hope they will inspire us to live the gospel of Jesus Christ in every neighborhood.
—Jenae, Communications
If you’d like to share or make a suggestion, email communications@volunteerparksda.org. We love hearing stories (of faith, relationships, intentional living, etc.), thoughtful commentaries—even book recommendations!
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