
Nohelani is a nationally certified Sign Language Interpreter at Sorenson Communications and freelancer. She's the Deaf Community Coordinator at VPC and has been attending the church for four years with her husband and three children. I asked her about her family and the one thing she wish hearing people knew about deaf people.

How did your interest in the deaf community and ASL begin?

I was eleven years old and was part of Girl Scouts (I did not grow up SDA). Our Girl Scout leader took us to a theatrical production in Coloma, CA. While the other girls were watching the play, I was fascinated by the sign language interpreter in the corner. My first thoughts were, "I had no idea people could talk with their hands!" I thought it was the most beautiful language ever.

Jesse is a manager at AT&T Labs, living in Bothell. He’s been attending Volunteer Park Church (VPC) for less than a year and coordinates volunteer opportunities at VPC. We sat down before church to talk about his favorite Thai restaurants and who inspires him spiritually.


You're a manager at AT&T. What does that mean?

My impressive title—but no one knows what it means—is principal member of technical staff. . . I manage a team of software research for auto-configuring the AT&T network.

And after work, what do you most look forward to?

Just one thing? Oh, I don’t know, there’s so many things! Um, researching future projects that I want to do on my own, going to the gym, going out for food. . .

What kind of food? What's your favorite?


Where’s the best place to get it?

Chantanee, Iyara, Thai Tom, Bai Tong.